We understand that starting school in a young child’s life is an important occasion and many questions will come along with this to ease the transition. The frequently asked questions below will hopefully help to answer questions that you might have before your child joins us.

Will my child have nap time?

Nap time is part of the day for our Pre-Nursery children who join us for full days. In Nursery, the children nap in the afternoon during the first term and then stay awake all day after Christmas.

What do I need to pack for my toddler?

If your child is still wearing nappies, please pack these. Children also need a change of clothes to accomodate for any accidents. Please may they also bring in a water bottle and sun hat to school with them.

Does my child need to be potty-trained?

For Pre-Nursery children, we can help to potty train your child if they aren’t already potty trained. By Nursery, we encourage that children are fully potty trained.

My child has never been to school before. Is this okay?

It is normal for Early Years children to join us for their first time at school either in Pre-Nursery, Nursery or Reception. We understand that families join from different educational systems and countries with different starting ages for young children, and we are able to accomodate for these children to ensure that they transition seamlessly into school.

How many days a week is recommended for my child to join?

We recommend that Pre-Nursery age children join us for a minimum of three half days per week. As they settle into school, we suggest that this increases until it is eventually at 5 full days per week when joining Nursery.

My child speaks minimal English. Is this okay?

Yes, this is absolutely fine and also fairly normal at a young age. We can support your child to pick up the language and to develop their confidence in communicating with their teachers and peers.

I’m unable to drive my child to school myself. Is there a minimum age for children to use the school bus service?

Our school bus service is available for children from Pre-Nursery upwards. Each bus has a Bus Monitor who sits with the children and will help your child to their class and back again at the end of the day. You can read more about the school bus service here.

What is the staff to student ratio in Early Years at St Andrews?

Pre-Nursery 4:1, Nursery 6:1 and Reception 9:1

Does my child need to wear school uniform?

Children from Pre-Nursery upwards wear the St Andrews school uniform. This can be purchased from the school uniform shop. You can read more about the uniform here.

How can I contact my child’s teacher?

In primary, we use a learning platform called Seesaw. This platform provides a messaging option which links directly between parents and teachers. You can also contact your child’s teacher through email. 

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